Ultimate Guide to Types of Exercise Bike

Exercise bikes are one of the most preferred choices for home gym owners after treadmills and elliptical trainer. Exercise bikes are mainly used for cardiovascular training.

Exercise bikes are the simple yet very powerful utility to tone your legs, burn extra calories and improve cardiovascular activities without any effect on you joints.

Usually, exercise bikes can be classified under following categories –

  • Upright Bikes
  • Recumbent Bikes
  • Spin Bikes

Upright Bikes

It is a most common variation of exercise bikes. While most people thinking about exercise bikes, upright bikes come into their eyes. They are quite looks like a regular road bike, additionally it consists console built into the handlebar area. Also, this bike has seat but that does not have a back on it.

Surprisingly, the pedals of upright bikes are located slightly in front because due to this, the hip angle on the upright bike is 45 degrees. The most beneficial part of it is, it improves the core muscles during pedaling. 

Recumbent Bikes

This is another most popular exercise bikes in its genre; Main reason of its popularity of it is – the comfortability. Usually this kind of bikes have seat with a back. It allows to user to lean back while pedaling.  The pedal of the recumbent bikes offers 90-degree hip angle during exercise.

Spin Bikes

It is another close inspired version of regular road bikes. They are similar to upright bikes in design. But they have higher quality and lower consoles. It is mainly popular for serious workouts.



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