Power Racks - Essential Home Gym Equipment

Now a days, power racks is one of the most important equipment for every home gym because before that they usually used in all commercial fitness clubs. Due to its nature – day-by-day it increases its popularity and takes its place in almost every home gym.

If you have enough weight for workout and having a good bench, then next thing you’ll need – a power rack. A power rack is nothing but a specially crafted stack holder of barbell at any height; additionally it provides the safety rails that help you to catch the barbell at the end.

The main reason of its popularity is – safety and versatility. Once you set-up everything perfectly, it enables you heavy workout with excellent safety. For example – you’re doing bench press with a heavy weight without a rack, what happened if the barbell off your chest! You’ve got serious injury in your back,
neck and shoulders. In short – a power rack can prevent it!  Yes. It can prevent your injury as well as damage of your floor, because if you drop the weight in your floor, surely your floor will damage.   

Power racks are completely customizable, that is why – you can adjust the safety height and continue any exercise like - military presses, bench presses (flat, incline or decline), squats, calf raises, shrugs and any other movements.

Lastly, check the spotting bar adjustments. According to many reputed fitness instructors – it is a very important factor of any power rack, because when you are performing different exercises then it is necessary to different spotting bar heights. It makes your life easier, otherwise you’ll simply messed up adjustments that are very frustrating to perform.

You can find our Power Rack range here.


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